The Madon de Châteaublanc House is a magnificent private mansion from the 17th century near the Palace of the Popes.
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The contract with the masons Pierre Thibaud and J. P. Escoffier dates from 5 November 1687. The home was built for Jean-Pierre de Madon de Châteaublanc based on a design by the architect Pierre II Mignard. Jean-Pierre de Madon de Châteauneuf founded the Maison du Bon Pasteur in 1702.
The interior decor dates from the era of King Louis XV: woodwork, trumeaux, paintings above the doors.
The courtyard is paved with cobblestone in a design by Henri Barrelet which features comets, most...
The interior decor dates from the era of King Louis XV: woodwork, trumeaux, paintings above the doors.
The courtyard is paved with cobblestone in a design by Henri Barrelet which features comets, most...